yesterday, april, the new neighbor, (she moved in almost two months ago,) came over to tell us that the easter bunny was making an early visit to our street. now don't freak out, our kids know that easter is about the death and resurrection of Jesus. but taylor and levi are still little and soon won't be interested in kid things. we've never told them there is an easter bunny, but we've also never told them that there isn't one. so saturday at 8am, an empty easter basket was delivered to our door and taylor went outside to collect the eggs and gifts that were left in our yard. each yard had their own supply of goodies that april delivered at 5am. we were so incredibly blessed with not only goodies but we got to spend some time drinking coffee outside with our friends. we love living on a cul-de-sac and have grown to love our neighbors. did I mention i also got a goodie ~ $25 Starbucks card?! You'd think this new neighbor has known me forever!
The only bummer was that matt and levi were spending time in the desert and missed the fun. i'm sure i'll have pictures and stories to post about them when they get home.
taylor is patiently waiting in the front yard before she searches for the eggs. i couldn't pass this up.
this is the view from my house, some of the neighbors are enjoying their coffee.

kaitlyn, who is new to the neighborhood, and taylor. they have become fast friends!
brandon, levi's best friend
the kids of los feliz court

and some of the adults (april is on the left)