Tuesday, November 27, 2012

you know you're levi's mom when...(part 4)

...the class is celebrating levi's birthday and they are all encouraged to say something nice about him. you hear one kid say, once he fixed my glasses; another said, once he fixed yo-yo; and a girl said, once he shot me with a pencil gun.

...you use leaves from the tree in your yard with family members names burned in them from a magnifying glass as place cards at the thanksgiving table.

...you know that a duck strapped to a knex wagon makes a great cat toy.

...you've developed a love for geocaching because it means quality time together.

...you learn that a double barrel shotgun won't teach a boy to dance, it will blow their feet off. 

...you go across the country for a family vacation and someone there says they remember your kid from last summer.

...there's a new lava lamp in your house courtesy of a starbucks bottle, water, oil and your last bubble bath tablet. 

...you can say with confidence that cornstarch isn't flammable. however, when it's blown through a pvc pipe towards a flame, it becomes the biggest ball of fire your neighborhood has ever seen.

...you have seen with your own eyes the difference between a horse tooth and a mole tooth thanks to the library book and the teeth in the bottom of your sons drawer.

...you recover the school books because the first go around had a shirtless hollister model on them. hollister bags > stater bros bags.

...the night before an event, you're shoes are fixed; however you are informed they shouldn't be worn for 72 hours.

...you say, please don't jump off the top of the slide into the pool. in the dark.

...during bedtime prayers you open your eyes to find his hands folded and an abercrombie bag over his head.

...a pen at your desk was taken apart and made much cooler with the bamboo case he made at the beach.

...screams are heard from across the lake because he is chasing his sister with a frog he caught. 

...teeth are regularly pulled with the help of the largest nerf launcher we have.

...airsoft pellets are all over the kitchen floor because the homemade bomb went off prematurely.

...you suck something up with the vacuum that makes a horrible noise and realize it's only the airsoft pellets circling the canister.

...an empty box made from wood sits on your dresser.

...you have a ring with a rock glued to the top and you proudly wear it.

...dinner time prayers consistently include, "and help us not to get sick or hurt."

...you ask your son for help as you unclog the ice maker in the freezer door and while he's on the inside and you're on the outside looking up into it, he blows it all out. you are covered in ice flakes.

...you struggle with whether or not to let your son watch felix baumgartner parachute to earth from space because you're not sure what your son will do with this new found information.

...you coin the term "desert noodler" after your son met a boy and together they caught 4 lizards by finding a hole, sticking their hand in it and waiting for something to bite them before pulling out the critter.
