Saturday, November 1, 2008

15 years ago...

our wedding day... november 6, 1993

it seems like a lifetime ago that we followed our hearts and God's will and took those steps down the aisle. we were so young, sarah, barely 19 and matt, just days from turning 23.

Posted by Picasaand now...
we've made it 15 years!


Darcy said...

Happy Anniversary Matt and Sarah!! :) Hope you were able to celebrate it in some special way!

Today is our engagement anniversary. LOL.

Unknown said...

I hope you had a wonderful anniversary, Sarah! Time does fly, doesn't it?? You two looked like little babies when you got married...not that you look much older now!

Remember to treasure every single day...even when you're mad at each other. LOL I pray that the Lord blesses you with a lifelong marriage.

