christmas seems to arrive earlier and earlier, while it seems that i begin my prep later and later. it's november 29 and i'm pretty sure i'm the only one on the planet without lights on the house, decorations displayed and a tree in place. i didn't go out shopping on black friday and don't plan to take part in cyber monday. i'm not a scrooge or grinch, i like christmas and all that december brings, i just like to enjoy thanksgiving to it's fullest. my goal by the weekend is to at least have a shopping list in place. maybe i won't feel so behind this way.
when they were little we explained the story of Jesus' birth and began giving the kids three gifts each. that's how many Jesus received. since it's His birthday we celebrate, why should we get any more? this gives the kids realistic expectations and gives us limitations in shopping.
when levi was about 3 years old we were driving down the street and i, once again was reminding him of the birth story and why he would receive three gifts. when i explained to him what jesus received after His birth, levi said, "myrrh? myrrh? why didn't jesus get a bike?" that year, levi got a bike.
as the kids have gotten a little bit older, they still receive three gifts at christmas. as we drive down the road we still talk about the story of the birth.
now, to start that shopping list...
Monday, November 29, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
koinonia cake
koinonia cake recipe
so here's the recipe:
chocolate box cake (for this one, i used a butter choc. cake, but any kind is good)
can of sweetened condensed milk
jar of caramel ice cream sauce
tub of cool whip
2 broken up score bars (don't put these next to the crockpot...they will melt)
make a chocolate cake from a box as directed in a glass 9x13 pan. as soon as it's out of the oven, poke holes all over it, lots and lots of them. pour the sweetened condensed milk and caramel sauce all over the top. (i put the caramel in the microwave for a few seconds so it's of a pouring consistency. when the cake cools, top it with whipped cream and the score bars. garnish with a spider and send it to koinonia!
chocolate box cake (for this one, i used a butter choc. cake, but any kind is good)
can of sweetened condensed milk
jar of caramel ice cream sauce
tub of cool whip
2 broken up score bars (don't put these next to the crockpot...they will melt)
make a chocolate cake from a box as directed in a glass 9x13 pan. as soon as it's out of the oven, poke holes all over it, lots and lots of them. pour the sweetened condensed milk and caramel sauce all over the top. (i put the caramel in the microwave for a few seconds so it's of a pouring consistency. when the cake cools, top it with whipped cream and the score bars. garnish with a spider and send it to koinonia!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
while matt's away...
more often than not, when matt goes away, i get these crazy ideas to re-do some part of our house. i usually take on way more than i can handle and end up exhausting myself instead of doing what i really want to do, which is read, catch up on movies, relax. but the end result makes it all worth it.
this time, matt took a 10 day road trip to new york with his dad. the minute he pulled out of the driveway, the kids and i disassembled my bedroom and went to home depot and starbucks (this project would require some immediate energy!) i had to get started before the inspiration and motivation went away. because this was a total surprise to matt, i was doing this without a budget. so using the bigger things that we already have, i went to work.
i wish i had a before picture, but who would want a picture of that? so i didn't take one. to give you an idea, our room had been painted green with white stripes (what was i thinking??) and the style was very "whimsical" which translates to "nothing matches"!!
i gave the ceiling a fresh coat of white paint, dragging a drop cloth throughout the room...because who buys one big enough to cover the entire room? yeah, uh not me. i became speckled in the process, but once that was done, the worst of the messy part was over. next came patching the holes, sanding it down should have followed, but i was busy getting it done and forgot to do that. oh well. finally, i painted two coats of parisian taupe, that's the fancy word for a creme color. when i paint, i move the furniture about 18 inches away from the walls. you can imagine how my painting technique differs from that of my husband, who does everything the right way. his motto is "smarter not harder" and that went through my head many, many times as i was squeezing in between a piece of furniture and the wall. :)
now on to the decorating, my friends have very immaculate taste (which i lack) and gave me tips on which bedding to order, how to arrange a photo collage above my bed with matching frames, which window treatments to buy and hang, and how to add the personal touches like a clock, flowers, candles, a basket, etc. following their advice, i shopped and i decorated. we have solid wood furniture that had belonged to his parents and i love the look that it brings to the room. we moved one piece of furniture to another wall and shifted everything else about a foot over and it looks completely different. matt's mom had a mirror in her house that went with our bedroom set so i went over to her house at about 10:30 one night and picked that up to complete the look. and finally, the clutter is gone!!
we love the way that our room turned out and better yet, i came in under budget, which is really easy to do when you aren't starting with one at all.
here are a couple of "after" shots. :)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
mountain bike legs
we have recently started mountain biking as a family. it's the first activity that we can do together that we all LOVE! we've done other things that one person is really into and the others tolerate. but this is something that we are all so excited to do. one of those things that you just can't wait to do again.
the workout for one, is pretty good, it justifies the chipotle or cherry on top that we like to have afterwards. there's also a sense of accomplishment when you have made it the top of a high hill, or perhaps through a technical point of the trail. for the kids, it's the GU that they look forward to consuming about midway through the ride. GU resembles snot in consistency so we call it a "sugar booger"...yum right!?

matt and the kids made it to the top!
for me, i like to push it and ride a little harder, a little faster and maybe take a little more technical route. yet it seems no matter how careful i try to be, i fall. this is partly due to my lack of coordination and partly due to the fact that my feet are clipped into the pedals.
this week, i fell (suprise!) and came home to discover six new bruises on both legs and a scraped up knee. we've been told that you can only use wounds in one of two ways, either as a sympathy card or badge of honor. this week, i'm going with the badge of honor. my legs aren't pretty, but they are mountain bike legs!
i can't wait to get out there with the kids again!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
favorite things
these are a few of my favorite things...
watching the sunrise

hovering over my coffee early in the morning with matt
watching levi laugh until he can't breath
talking with taylor
laughing with a sweet friend
the sound of the vacuum
the smell of pinesol
watching a movie that makes me cry
curling up with a good book
chocolate chip cookies right out of the oven
letters from the mailman
new adventures
road trips
what are your favorite things?
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