we have recently started mountain biking as a family. it's the first activity that we can do together that we all LOVE! we've done other things that one person is really into and the others tolerate. but this is something that we are all so excited to do. one of those things that you just can't wait to do again.
the workout for one, is pretty good, it justifies the chipotle or cherry on top that we like to have afterwards. there's also a sense of accomplishment when you have made it the top of a high hill, or perhaps through a technical point of the trail. for the kids, it's the GU that they look forward to consuming about midway through the ride. GU resembles snot in consistency so we call it a "sugar booger"...yum right!?

matt and the kids made it to the top!
for me, i like to push it and ride a little harder, a little faster and maybe take a little more technical route. yet it seems no matter how careful i try to be, i fall. this is partly due to my lack of coordination and partly due to the fact that my feet are clipped into the pedals.
this week, i fell (suprise!) and came home to discover six new bruises on both legs and a scraped up knee. we've been told that you can only use wounds in one of two ways, either as a sympathy card or badge of honor. this week, i'm going with the badge of honor. my legs aren't pretty, but they are mountain bike legs!
i can't wait to get out there with the kids again!
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