we had a relaxing week. no doctor appointments. no treatments.
we actually lived "normally" again.
we had the opportunity to head up the mountain for a short get away.
just the four of us.
we hung out.
we napped.
we talked.
we ate.
we recharged.
we laughed.
we reconnected.
we spent a few hours walking around the village. there's a store that i love and in there, i found a sign that i wanted. i bought it and levi hung it in my kitchen as soon as we got home.
today matt isn't feeling well. he has severe abdominal pain. he vomited twice and he says it was from the pain. his words: "the pain is almost unbearable." there's no fever. no other side effects. the oncologist said to watch him and call her if anything changes.
maybe it's the flu?
maybe it's the cancer?
maybe it's something he ate?
again, we wait and see. my heart hurts. i fear this is only the beginning, my mind is all over the place. my prayer is that it's merely a bump on this cancer road.
again, i take every thought captive. i think on whatsoever things are true. i won't trade what i do know for what i don't know.
after reading in isaiah today, the lyrics to "The Name of Jesus" came to mind and brought such peace as He does. if you have to have a song stuck in your head, pretty much anything by chris tomlin is ok.
"the name of Jesus is a refuge; a shelter from the storm, a help to those who call.
the name of Jesus is a fortress; a saving place to run, a hope unshakeable.
there is power in Your name.
in the name of Jesus, there is life and healing; chains are broken in Your name.
every knee will bow down and our hearts will cry out; songs of freedom in Your name."
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