Monday, December 2, 2013

cancerschmancer - chemo again

we just got back from the oncologist. since our last visit with her, matt has finished radiation, cyberknife, chemo, he has seen each surgeon and heard different surgery methods and opinions. the oncologist has consulted with each as well as city of hope. they came up with a plan.

this week matt will have another mri. this will show the size of the tumor as well as it's location. the hope and prayer is that it has not only gotten smaller, but it has moved away from the eye and brain.

cyberknife will continue working for another 6 weeks or so. matt will have a PET scan mid january and that will determine if surgery is needed. every few days we're graced with more cancer leaving his body. these pieces seem to come when I start getting discouraged, God is good to send visible reminders like that.

chemo will start up again next monday. matt will have treatments for three consecutive days, every three weeks. this is a new cocktail of drugs, it's more toxic than the previous, please pray his body responds well and can withstand the treatment. the chemo will continue working to kill the cancer cells that might be near the tumor as well as any other cancer that might be in his body. this type of cancer is known to appear elsewhere. 

we appreciate prayer as he starts chemo again. the oncologist said the tumor is responding beautifully and wants to keep hitting it hard. 

this journey is incredibly hard. my heart is heavy but we trust His plan in this and know He has a purpose in all of it. we're grateful we don't walk this road alone. thank you for continually praying and encouraging us, thank you for being His servants and loving our family. we're blessed and in awe of His goodness. 

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