so february 4 was world cancer day.
here are some things I've learned in the past 161 days.
our lives here on earth are temporary; we are here for a short time and Heaven is our goal - that perspective changes the way we live.
iphones learn to autocorrect words like radiation, oncologist, chemotherapy, surgery, surgeons.
people say the darndest (and meanest) things.
it's ok not to understand the big words the doctors use as long as they understand what they are saying - and they understand what they are doing.
trust: trust doctors, trust meds but most importantly, trust Him.
acidic foods like oranges, pineapple and tomatoes are bad; broths, crackers and ginger ale are good.
ask for help. when people offer, take them up on it.
there is nothing better than worshipping loudly and tearfully with your children, knowing He's doing a great work in their hearts - and ours.
surround yourself with people who pray BIG - and thank God that these people have chosen to surround you.
start a Hope Pile - write scripture down on notecards and post it where you'll see it; put the cards in your pocket, in your purse, tape them on your mirror, your kitchen table and at the sink.
anonymous drop offs and unannounced visits are the best.
the condition of the house no longer matters. if you come over and there's laundry, i might let you fold it.
dishes in the sink mean we've been busy eating and spending time doing more important things. i've learned not to sweat it.
there are lots of cool gadgets and tools in the procedure rooms and the doctors rarely notice if they are moved.
it's rare, but is possible, to make a doctor or surgeon laugh.
30 radiation treatments cost more than my house.
wigs are awesome; especially mullet wigs in chemo rooms and hospital rooms.
choose battles - some things, like bed times just aren't important but ice cream for dinner is.
kids are a lot stronger and more resilient than we give them credit for. it's ok to let them know the whole truth because He is growing them in this too. they are being changed.
uncontrollable laughter in the most awkward, inappropriate situations is the best.
prayer changes things; it renews hope; it gives you legs to stand on and air to breathe.
when you pray that He'll take you deeper, strengthen your faith and give you a burning desire for Him, He accomplishes it how He deems perfect without regard to how we might feel.
and i've learned God is so good. all of the time.
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