ok, so here's the summary of the surgeon appointment last week at uci…
dr. b put the camera way (way!) up matt's nose and looked around, he said everything looks good, it's healing well. there's still some inflammation but overall it's good.
we saw that the brain is protected, the patch healed nicely, the optic nerve and general tumor area look good too. our surgeon met with the other 2 surgeons from UCI and it was decided based on surgery and the pathology report from surgery, there's no immediate need for another surgery; however it's all being closely watched since it's, yes he said it: rare and aggressive cancer.
he also sucked "stuff" out of matt's nasal/brain/tumor area and is sending that to culture to see if anything grows. and he's sending the latest MRI to radiology to have trained eyes look at it. if there is anything of concern, they have no problem taking matt back into OR to biopsy. he'd rather be overly cautions than miss anything. he said no news is good news, i said with this 'rare and aggressive cancer', a phone call regardless would be great. he said give him a few weeks….so we wait. have i mentioned how hard waiting is??!!
matt still can't smell or taste much and asked when those senses would return. the surgeon said they probably wouldn't. that was a real drag to hear, but all things considered we can't really complain right? at least he can't taste my kitchen experiments…i suppose there are benefits.
we'll see this surgeon every month for a year; he wants regular MRI's and PET/CT's and we're ok with that. and the next hurdle is getting matt's white cell count high enough for chemo. if all goes well, we'll start that up again monday. and more scans will take place later this month.
the verse the Lord gave me early on is this, 2 chron 20:17,
"you will not need to fight in this battle. position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, who is with you. do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out against them, for the Lord is with you.” i don't often understand, i clearly don't stand still well. but i know it's His battle and i don't have to fear. because the end, no matter what, is His perfect will and He will use it for His glory. amen?
so thank you for reading this long update, thank you for the continued prayer and love as we walk this road.
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