Wednesday, September 10, 2008

first day of school

what? no pictures from the first day of school you ask?! that's right. i did manage to take a few in the kitchen before the kids went outside, but they weren't great. i gave the kids a few minutes to go outside to see their friends before the first day back to school. with about three minutes before we needed to leave, i, being a mom, grabbed my camera again and went outside. the neighbor boy, who is levi's best friend, started kindergarten at harvest that day too, so what a cool photo op right? i called the kids over only to see taylor's new white shorts are covered in blood. she fell on her bike, scraped her elbow and knee and "didn't know"... in the house i ran to iron another pair of shorts so she could at least go to school in clean clothes that didn't look like they'd been stuffed in a drawer.
it was a memorable first day for sure.

because of the crazy change that being back to school brings, we've been forced to drop the habits from summer. no more playing outside until dusk. no more eating ice cream in the spa at night. it's back to the routine. now we focus on homework, studying, and getting to bed at a reasonable time. everything else has to wait. in fact, the laundry fairy hasn't come to our house this week, i wonder if she knows there is a mountain that grows by the day? hopefully when she does come, she'll bring her sisters with her, the window fairy, floor fairy and bathroom fairy. we miss them. until then, i better get to it...tomorrow, cause tonight, i'm tired.


Jon and alyssa said...

Isn't the window and floor fairy Patty? J/K

Debbie said...

You have a window and floor fairy? Whatever. I have attitude fairies - they get virtually nothing done. Oh well except give me yet another headache. So if they do show up again, lasso them and bring them over....PLEASE??!!