Friday, January 16, 2009

praying for maria

i got to spend the day with two very special people - maria and my mom.

this is my sister, maria. she came to our family 12 years ago, when she was 9. she has been through a lot in her life and is a blessing to us. she is currently at western med stumping the doctors with her "episodes" which now know aren't seizures. we don't know what they are or what is causing them. poor girl is so tired of the poking and meds. she has been a trooper.

my hero in this is my amazing mom, who has been by maria's side non stop. she is tired and feeling worn out, but she won't leave, maria needs her. maria is deaf and has faced more in her 21 years than anyone should ever have to face in their life. my mom is selfless, she is the most patient, giving, caring and strong woman i know. she is maria's advocate.

please pray for maria to heal. pray for the doctors to gain wisdom. pray for my mom continue to be filled with God's love, strength, grace and mercy. Posted by Picasa

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