Friday, July 25, 2014

cancerschmancer - the book

on another note, i've been asked to write. i'll be honest, i'm so scared.

people are mean, critics are mean. i'm not sure i can handle that on top of everything else.

but after some prodding, it is something i'm praying about. matt said he wants me to write a book so he can retire. ha! well, we'd have to charge a lot per book since we'll only need to print about 100 copies but that's another story.

but last night i heard a speaker at church, catherine martin. she shared a story in matthew 14.

it was the 4th watch in the night. it was the darkest hour. it was stormy. they cried out in fear.
oh how i relate.

Jesus told them, be of good cheer, it is I. do not be afraid.
He called peter out of the boat and on to the water, "come" He said. and peter took a step toward Jesus but then looked again at the storm and he started to go down. Jesus stretched out his hand and caught him, asking, "why do you doubt, you have little faith."

i am afraid. i see the storm. but He wants us to get out of the boat. step out in faith.

if you think of it, please pray. i'm not sure where to start. i'm praying the Lord will open doors, He'll provide people to guide me. perhaps even to write with me. He knows. please pray most of all that He would be glorified.


Unknown said...

Sarah, I have a friend with quite a story.....Her husband wrote a book (they remind me very much of you guys)about their journey. They spent their own money, I believe to get it published and he has been working on marketing. Talk about start from nothing. If you want I can get you a copy of the book (or you could purchase on amazon I believe)and I can get you in touch with him. He would be a great resource for getting started.

Unknown said...

Susan Holt Simpson said...

Hello! I haven't commented, but I read your story and am encouraged and challenged. I must chime in to ask about the writing, though. I'll be praying for you, that you would see the open (and closed) doors as His clear direction.